Thursday, October 15, 2009

Plus 2 in Hotness Points

After a lot of $$$, and some family hookups, I've been told I gained two points on the hotness scale! I got my hair (re)done the other night while Shameonyou21 got her eyelash extensions done, and then the next night, I got mine done. My sissy works at this spa as an aesthetician, (or esthetician depending on how you want to spell it) and she helped in this effort of mine.

My Mammy was the first guinea pig in helping Megs get certified to do the eyelash extensions. She looked so fabulous, and I hate my eyelashes, so I thought I would give it a try too. The girls at the spa pretty much just said it as a generalization, that all girls who get the eyelash extensions gain two hotness points, but I took it as I, personally, gained the two hotness points. Cause why not? DUH!

Sorry for the creepy pics of me, but I had to demonstrate my point. Let me know if you agree with my hotness points! You don't have to lie, I just rather you not burst my little bubble right right now by telling me the truth!