Wednesday, October 18, 2006

If I could write a memoir, the title might be....



Big Bertha.


The Iron Bobbie Lady gives away their position.

"Why you hidin' in Da BOOSHES?"
"Cuz I'm wanted in fo counties fo aumed robbery"

I brought the cheese with me.

My zit is visable in CHINA.

I've been BIZZY.

FATLARD: a memoir.

The Stupid creme brulee!!!

The Babbling Brook.

"Pigs is as smart as dogs."

Mmmm... Sushi!

Dar! Dar! Dar!

I was NOT home schooled!! Stop asking!

That’s just mean.

Skipping the last lap.

"I would misplace my head if it wasn't attached" by Amber Jones

"I Struggle!"

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Not Trying

I am a younger, unbelievably attractive woman, who just so happens to be single. Right now in my life, I am not gonna feel depressed, angry, or cheated about the fact that Mr. Right has not come knocking at my door! This may shock some of the more "multiply and replenish the earth at the age of 19 crowd" who have 6 kids, no money, no life, no education, and who enjoy spending all their energy cleaning and cooking and otherwise being the happy little housewife. This is in no way meant to be degrading to those who have chosen this life, it just would drive me crazy! I like (somewhat) the position I am in.

Minus a few minor changes I need to make, my life is pretty good! I have (finally) my education, I have a job (kinda falls into the change category but still...) which I am good at, I have family close by, and pretty wonderful friends. Who needs a dumb boy to come and screw that up! Just kidding! I am not anti-marriage or boys or dating even. I am simply trying to make my point that I am going to live my life, and when and if that boy comes along, I will roll right along with it.

Tell me if any of you have heard it before or if you are hearing it now from family or friends in regards to dating, etc:

"I wish that (insert your name here) would just try!"

Or maybe you have heard this one:

"(Your name here) just doesn't try!"

This one is a doozy though:

"Did you know (your name) that the risk for women having a child with Downs Syndrome is higher in women over 40?"

How exactly is that supposed to sound to someone? They say it is meant to be rude, but with what intention is it meant? It sure isn't least to me it isn't funny. It is especially not funny when you are out and about with these people and they say stuff like this to others whom you may run into.

I have not quite figured out why exactly I am not trying. Nor do I really want to get into it. I attend my church singles ward, I socialize. I may be living at home still, but that will change fairly soon. I went to school to better myself, and my situation, and meet new people. It isn't my fault that the entire time I was surrounded by four, not-so-good boys. There was a gay druggie; a married druggie; a single, pot head druggie; and a young, single try-to-be-good-wanna-be druggie. How can I compete with that?

Or, another good one I got was from a friend's BF. It wasn't directly told to me, but he posed the question that maybe I might be gay. I have just laughed that one off, but, to everyone else, it appears as though I am sitting at home with my frilly white dress on. In the meanwhile, twiddling my thumbs, just waiting for the doorbell to ring and Mr. Right on the other side come to whisk me away to the temple. Is that not what I am supposed to do in the Mormon culture?! ERR! WRONG! SORRY! NOT GONNA PLAY THAT GAME!

On the lighter side of things, here are a few pics of some random outings with my friend shameonyou21, and another friend Krissy:

Shameonyou and I went for a walk on the Jordan River Parkway trail in Lehi.
I stopped cause my feet were killin me, but Shameonyou was ready (as usual) for me with her camera in my face!

Same outing, just a rare time I actually pose for a pic.
I was not having a good hair/clothes/anything day on this one!

On Pioneer Day, I went golfing with Shameonyou, her boyfriend Randy , & another friend of ours, Krissy. Again, Shameonyou with her camera in action. I am not wearing white nylons either!

Me and Krissy searching for one of the many golf balls we lost.

Krissy was in a car accident a few months before this. The sad thing was, she
did better than both Shameonyou and I, & she was lopsided the whole time!

Shameonyou and I at a restaurant in Park City called "The Blind Dog"
Doesn't shameonyou look fabulous!!! It was her birthday!