The preperations:
Let's Just say that Ganache (the chocolate drizzle)=EVILNESS! Turns out chocolate and flowers like each other!!!
50CentJen is playing with the tops white I ganache!
Its all starting to come together:
More FLOWERY TOPS!!! There are little chocolate curls around the flowers as well. I told you, Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate!!!
At the reception all put together: (the purple things in the background are not my doing b.t.w.)
The white thing on the table in front of the cakes is a white veil with mouse ears. Then of course is the main cake topper of Mickey and Minney which is sitting on the 2nd biggest layer because it was way too big for the very top layer.
So the low down on this. This was fun up until the ganache. When made according to the recipe, it is VERY runny, and had ZERO contrast to the other frosting. We spent an hour messing with the consistency, and trying to get more of a contrast between the frosting, and the ganache.
We ended up with twice as much more chocolate, and it was thicker, but still not where we needed it to be. We had to mix the frosting into the ganache to thicken it up to where we could at least drizzle it over the sides. The drizzles were forced down the sides with a squirt bottle, in strategic locations.
An hour after we were supposed to have the cake at the reception, we finally made it, despite a few attempts on all our parts to drop them on the way over. I almost dropped the top layer right in front of the bride!!!
Then Captain Obvious, (as I have affectionately re-named my mother) pointed out to me on the way in, after one of the most frustrating hours of my life, I was late. I needed to plan better. NOT the thing to say when I am likely to shove the cake I am holding, right into your face!!! That would have gone over well right in front of the bride right? So instead, I almost just drop the thing on the ground. I probably would have sat down on the ground, possibly said a few choice words, then burst into tears!!!
The same applies to this one as it did to the last. Rip on it, admire it, laugh at it, tell me it sucked, or that it wasn't that bad, I don't care. It is over and done with, and since I do not have a cake in my hand, nor are you standing right next to me, I think your opinions will be duley noted no matter how good or bad! (That applies to you too SHAMEONYOU!)
To be a fair judge and critic of such a cake, I would really have to personally taste it. (hint, hint).
I think it looks great and I was surprised to hear that you used a squirt bottle to place the "drizzles" it looks very "natural"
Great job! and I will say "you were late, shame on you" now shove some of that chocolatey goodness in my face please :)
Holy Cow that looks like a ton of work! My honest first impression was, "holy lots of chocolate", but that's just because I'm not into chocolate on chocolate with death-by-chocolate sprinkles and frosting. But the cake still looks amazing. You do good work, missy!
And I agree . . . when are you going to start sharing this yummy goodness with more than just brides??? It's not like they're all that special... (hehe)
OK everyone, I will make ya'll a cake. Who's birthday is up next, and who's gonna plan the party???'re amazing. Don't feel too bad about almost dropping the cake in front of the bride, just be glad that it didn't fall apart when you delivered it. Because that is just what happened a few weeks ago to me! If you look at my cake page- and look at the sculpted cakes towards the bottom, the topsy turvy cake is being held together with that piece of ribbon on the bottom tier. It was pretty sad. And we heard that it started sliding about half way into the party. Good thing they only paid for ingredients!
Anyways, back to you, it looks great despite the ganache dilemma.
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