Saturday, November 05, 2005

My Weather Pixie

Ok, so since some of you wouldn't respond to my request for help on figuring out the weather pixie andl inks to others' blogs, I have spent the last several hours figuring it out myself thank you very much!

Now that I have said that, my cute little weather pixie I chose simply for her hair. I want to do my hair like that! I don't like the whole cat thing going on though. First of all, I don't like cats. Second, it is creeping me out. It is moving all over the place, and I just don't like it!


Anonymous said...

Okay...I'm confused...what cat thing? I don't see any cats. What the heck? :) Otherwise, cute weatherpixie. Glad you could figure it out.

Anonymous said...

So, how are them pink elephants? (in other words, where are the cats?!).

Other than that, the weather pixie is cute and a nice addition to the website.

FOODIE said...

I guess the cat disappears too! Remember when I said that the cat freaks me out?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I keep checking, but I still have yet to see this cat. I think you are smoking something, my dear!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, Foodie did just call me because the cat apparently showed her little self. And, yes, there she was! But, I just checked again after talking to Foodie, and the cat is nowhere to be found. What is even up with that? Very scary little cat you have there my friend...